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繊細な職人技と精巧な技術力が叶える Made in JAPANの麻布。


ヘンプ(おおあさ)糸は扱いにくい。それが紡績に関わる人の常識だ。ヘンプ100%の生地を織るには、そうとうのこだわりがいる。 古来より日本で大切にされてきた植物、麻。縄文遺跡からも発掘されたその繊維を、現代の叡智で美しい布として織り上げる。まるで手織りのように糸一本一本に気を配りながら、紡績機を操り、手作業ではたどり着けない完成度の高い一枚の布に仕上げる、繊細な職人技と精巧な技術力をもってしてはじめて叶う、麻の布。その静謐な美しさは、まさに和の美。日本人だからこそ生み出せる煌めく布、それが忠兵衛がこだわる布だ。 ヘンプを中心に、リネン、ラミー、そして冬には麻×ウール。さまざまな麻の表情を追い求めている。


色を越える、植物の恩恵。 光と奥ゆきを放ち、悦びに染まる、忠兵衛の色。











JAPAN BLUEと讃えられる 藍の色。 生きた染料から生まれる、深み、鼓動。


忠兵衛の藍色をよくみてほしい。光にかざしてみてほしい。濃い碧の奥に、朱がみえてくるはずだ。日本の藍染めは、染料が生きている。発酵しているのだ。職人が日々ご機嫌をうかがい、世話をやく。若い藍、月日を重ねた藍。その色合いは発酵度合いによってさまざまだ。忠兵衛が求めるのは、ひたすらに深い藍。エネルギーを感じる色。何度も何度も染め重ねて、深みを増した藍色だ。原料は藍の中でも琉球藍という稀少なもの。日本の南端、沖縄に生息する植物。それを染めの本場・京都で寝かせて、染料として醸す。 着ているうちに、年月をともに過ごすうちに、藍色はだんだんと変化していく。こんどは着ている人が藍色を育てる番だ。そうして、それは、「私の一着」になる。




自分たちのほしい衣を求め続けていたら、日本の中のこだわりの職人たちとの共同作業になっていた。デザインは布の力を活かすよう、よけいなことはしない。着ていて気持ちいいことを目指す。まっすぐそこに向かえば、美しさはついてくるはずだから。縫製も1着ずつ。「縫うのが好きです。手仕事が悦びです」そう言い切るお針子さんたちが忠兵衛を支えてくれている。 手から手へ。つくる人の想いがいっぱいにつまった衣を、まとってくれる人へ。忠兵衛を手にするすべての人が心地よく在ることを願って。

Made in Japan, our hemp fabric is the result of fine craftsmanship and impeccable technique.


It's common knowledge in the spinning industry that it's difficult to work with hemp thread. It takes great skill and care to weave 100% hemp fabric.

Since ancient times, the hemp plant has been held in high regard in Japan. Its fibres were even excavated from Jomon archaeological sites. Today, we weave those same plant fibres into beautiful fabrics using modern wisdom. At Chubei, we operate our spinning machines as if weaving by hand, handling the thread carefully strand by strand. Combining fine craftsmanship and impeccable technique, this process allows us to create each piece of fabric with a high degree of perfection, which cannot be achieved by hand alone. Our fabric's tranquil charm is the epitome of Japanese beauty. That's because Chubei harnesses the skills and sensibilities of Japanese artisans to produce brilliant fabrics with meticulous care.

Chubei is dedicated to exploring various forms of expression with hemp. With a focus on 100% hemp, Chubei also creates fabrics from linen, ramie, and hemp-wool blends in winter.

Plants are a blessing beyond their palette.

Steeped in joy, Chubei colours emit light & depth.


When hemp is paired with another plant, it’s as if Mother Nature harmoniously weaves the two into a bright new hemp fabric. But it takes true craftsmanship to take this natural harmony to new heights, along with good colour fastness to maintain the depth and beauty of seemingly simple colours. Skilled artisans work with intent focus on the beauty of nature to create the natural yet eye-catching brightness of Chubei fabrics. The colours of the changing seasons and the dazzling natural world stir the souls of Japanese people, whose sensibilities give life to new colour palettes. Therein lies Chubei's world of colour.    

Main Dyes: 

Artisans blend dyes to create subtle colours based on Chubei’s specifications.

Reds/pinks: lac dye

Greens: kamala + gardenia blue

Black: logwood

Yellows: pomegranate

Greys: catechu

Indigo, the colour admired as “Japan Blue.”

Depth and heart produced by living dye.

We want you to take a good look at the colour of Chubei’s indigo. Hold it up to the light and look closely. In the depths of the dark blue, you'll probably notice a scarlet hue. Japanese indigo dyeing uses living dyes: they are fermenting. Each day, artisans check in on the living dye and look after it. Some indigo is young, some is mature. The colouring of each indigo varies according to the extent of its fermentation. Chubei’s sole quest is for deep indigo blue: colour that radiates energy. We dye the same cloth over and over again to create a deep, rich indigo.
Chubei uses a rare type of indigo: Assam indigo. It's a plant that grows in Japan's southernmost region, Okinawa. Chubei ferments this indigo in Kyoto, Japan's fabric-dyeing capital, and turns it into dyes.

With wear, the colour of indigo-dyed clothes gradually changes over time. So on completion, the task of developing the colour is handed over to the wearer. That’s why wearing an indigo garment makes it become truly yours.


Chubei Clothing
The result of meticulous work by Japan's master artisans


Our continued quest to create clothing that we want for ourselves has led us to collaborate with various dedicated artisans in Japan. We keep things simple: our designs focus solely on harnessing the power of the fabric. Our goal is to make clothes that feel good to wear. If we concentrate on that goal, we believe beauty will surely follow.
Our garments are sewn one item at a time. Chubei is supported by a team of fabulous garment makers who can say in all honesty that they love to sew and take pleasure in working with their hands.

We create each garment with passion, especially for the wearer. From our hands to yours, we hope everyone who wears Chubei apparel feels good in our designs.

忠兵衛 代表



東京生まれ。 桑沢デザイン研究所リビングデザイン科卒。 化粧品メーカーにプロダクトデザイナーとして 15 年間勤務。





Chubei Director

Junichiro Kaneko


Born in Tokyo. Graduated from the Department of Living Design at Kuwasawa Design School. Spent fifteen years working as a product designer for a cosmetics manufacturer.


Founded Chubei.


Relocated from Tokyo to the foothills of the Yatsugatake Mountains, where he grows vegetables, uses wood-fire heating, and spends his days designing with hemp. It’s this lifestyle with firm roots in the earth that allows Kaneko to create elegant clothing with a warm, gentle feel.

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